
This day in age we live in there should be little to no reason as to why adequate healthcare can not be provided around the world in a timely and cost-efficient manner. First hand experience was dealt to me crudely as a bout with malaria at the age of 7 while living in Ghana almost took my life due to lack of adequate healthcare. I was lucky enough but many are not. Thus, since making my way back to the United States I have made it my mission to pave a way toward developmental countries such as my home country of Ghana being prioritized in the distribution of healthcare. My journey at UNC has led me to obtain knowledge that tackles these problems and combined with my aspirations to be a medical doctor who volunteers around the world in areas of need, I believe changes can be made. My ultimate goal in life is to do what I love while also providing for my family. My family has sacrificed alot to put me in a position to succeed in the future. Thus, I plan to take full advantage of the position I am in and be able to take care of them as they took care of me.